PowerApps >> Register A Free Account for Using Power Apps

2022-04-18 Power Apps

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In this article, I will show you how to create a free trial account for using Power Apps from zero.

PowerApps Create an account

Create a free trial account

Firstly, let’s see the pricing plans of Power Apps.
There are two main plans: Subscription plans and Pay-as-you-go plan.
There are two plans in Subscription plans: Per app plan and Per user plan.
Let’s click the “Start free” link under the “Per user plan”.

Power Apps pricing

PowerApps Create an account

A form for setting up the account will show up.
You need to enter your Email address and click “Set up account” button.

PowerApps Create an account

PowerApps Create an account

Next, enter your information.

PowerApps Create an account

And you need to select a verification option.
Click “Send Verification Code” button.
PowerApps Create an account

Enter the code you received and click “Verify” button.
PowerApps Create an account

Next, enter the business identity (sub domain of onmicrosoft.com)
PowerApps Create an account

PowerApps Create an account

Next, the first user (admin user) need to be created.
Click “Sign up” button when you finished filling the required information.
PowerApps Create an account

PowerApps Create an account

Finally, a completion message will show in the fourth step and an email will be sent to your Email address.
PowerApps Create an account

As you can see, your first 30 days are free up to 25 licenses.
PowerApps Create an account

Let’s use the new user (admin user, username@xxx.onmicrosoft.com) created on the above to sign in.

PowerApps Create an account

We will see the products page and one license has been used (admin user).

PowerApps Create an account

Add a user

Generally, we need add multiple users in our organization to our account.
Let’s click “Active users” on the left side of the page.
And click “Add a user”.
PowerApps Create an account

Fill the required information for another user.
PowerApps Create an account

Give the user “Power Apps per user plan” licence by checking it.
PowerApps Create an account

And make it a general user (not admin user)
PowerApps Create an account

Finally, the “Review and finish” page will show up. Click “Finish adding” if there is no problem.
PowerApps Create an account

A creation success page will be displayed. You should write down the user name and password that will be used later.
PowerApps Create an account

When return to the Active users page, the new created user will show in the user list.
PowerApps Create an account

On the Licenses page, you also see the new user in the list.
PowerApps Create an account

Sign into Power Apps portal

Let’s use the new user (not admin user) to sign into the Power Apps Portal.

Sign in Power Apps

PowerApps Create an account

You should reset your password because the password is generated automatically.
PowerApps Create an account

Finally, you will see the Power Apps portal page.
PowerApps Create an account


In this article, we created a free account of Per user plan.
We add a general user and give it the Power Apps per user plan license.
We use the new user to sign into the Power Apps portal.

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