The Art of Asking in Generative AI Era: Mastering Prompt Design

2023-06-17 ChatGPT

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Hello, fellow explorers in Generative AI Era! Today, we’re embarking on a journey into the heart of AI interaction - the art of prompt design. Buckle up, because we’re about to dive into the nitty-gritty of crafting the perfect prompts to get the most out of our AI companions.

Prompt design is like the art of conversation. It’s all about asking the right questions in the right way. But instead of chatting with a human, we’re communicating with an AI model. So, how do we get it right? Let’s explore!

By terimakasih0 on pixabay

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How to Change Font Style and Size in Matplotlib

2023-05-08 Matplotlib

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Matplotlib is a powerful Python library that allows users to create various visualizations. While creating these visualizations, it is often necessary to adjust the font style and size to improve readability and aesthetics. In this article, we will discuss how to change the font style and size in Matplotlib using various methods.


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How to Set Legend Position in Matplotlib

2023-05-08 Matplotlib

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Adjusting the legend position in Matplotlib plots is essential for enhancing readability and aesthetics. In some cases, the default legend location may overlap with the data, making it difficult to interpret the plot. By customizing the legend position, you can ensure it does not obstruct crucial information. Depending on the plot’s purpose, you may want to place the legend inside or outside the plot area. Choosing an appropriate legend location is crucial for creating informative and visually appealing plots, whether for presentations, reports, or sharing with colleagues.


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3 Methods to Save Plot as Images or PDF File in Matplotlib

2023-05-08 Matplotlib

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Matplotlib is a powerful plotting library in Python that offers a variety of visualization options. Sometimes, you may want to save your plots as image files instead of displaying them. This can be useful for sharing, including in presentations or reports, or for further processing. In this article, we will discuss three methods to save plots as image files in Matplotlib: using savefig(), using imsave(), and using PIL (Python Imaging Library).


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3 Methods to Change Figure Size in Matplotlib

2023-05-07 Matplotlib

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Matplotlib is a popular Python charting toolkit that enables users to construct a wide range of visualizations such as simple line plots, scatter plots, bar charts, and more. When dealing with Matplotlib, one typical question is how to change the size of the figures they make. This post will go over three different ways to change the size of a figure in Matplotlib.

By Isaac Smith on Unsplash

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Golang >> 10 Essential Tips for Golang Developers

2023-05-06 Golang

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Google Go, often known as Golang, is an open-source programming language. It is intended to be simple, efficient, and dependable, making it an ideal choice for current software development. In this article, we will go over 10 key Golang developer tips, covering subjects like maps, strings, slices, loops, file handling, and more. Let’s get started!


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ChatGPT >> 10 Handy Prompt Tips for Language Tutors: Boost Your Lessons With ChatGPT

2023-05-06 ChatGPT

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Hello, language teachers! Do you want to make your lessons more interesting and effective? ChatGPT has the potential to alter your life. We’ll provide 10 incredibly helpful prompt strategies in this post to help you construct amazing language learning experiences. Let’s get started!

By ThisisEngineering RAEng on unsplash

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