Apache Spark >> SparkSession, Create DataFrame

2021-10-16 Big data

Table of Contents

Apache Spark, written in Scala, is a general-purpose distributed computing and data processing engine. Apache Spark supports Scala, Java, Python, SQL and R language.

In this series, we will use Python as main language.

[Apache Spark] Introduction

Create a Spark Session

We can use a Session builder to create a Spark session.

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

spark = SparkSession \
    .builder \
    .appName("<You App Name>") \
    .config("spark.some.config.option", "<some-value>") \

Create DataFrames

In Spark, DataFrame represent immutable, lazily evaluted plans that specify what operations to apply to data to generate some output.

Creating DataFrames is the first practical steps in learning Spark.

Creating DataFrame from files

Spark has generic read method and built-in reading way to read csv files.

df = spark.read.format("<file type>").load("<path/to/sample.<file type>>")

Some file types have specific read methods.

  1. csv
df = spark.read.csv("<path/to/file>")

  Read all csv files in the given directory (folder).

df = spark.read.csv("<path/to/directory>")

  Read multiple csv files at same time.

df = spark.read.csv(["<path/to/file1>", "<path/to/file2>", "<path/to/file3>"])
  1. text
df = spark.read.text("<path/to/file>")
  1. json
df = spark.read.json("<path/to/file>")
  1. XML

By default XML file is not supported. We must add some dependecy (spark-xml) to read XML files.

df = spark.read.format('com.databricks.spark.xml').load('sample.xml')

Create DataFrame from RDD

We can use parallelize method of SparkContext to generate RDD and use toDF method of RDD to create DataFrame.

Firstly we will prepare test data.

data = [{"class": "A", "name": "Kevin", "score": 80},
        {"class": "A", "name": "Mary", "score": 90},
        {"class": "B", "name": "Tom", "score": 85},
        {"class": "B", "name": "Annie", "score": 83}]

Then use parallelize to generate RDD.

rdd = spark.parallelize(data)

Finally use toDF method of RDD to create DataFrame.

df = rdd.toDF()

Create DataFrame from Database

The prerequisite is that you need to install the database driver.

df = spark.read.format("jdbc").options( url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/<your_db_name>",

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