What Is Programming? Can I Learn It? How to Learn It?

2021-12-29 Programming

Table of Contents

In this article, we will talk about topics below.


What is programming

Programming is writing some instruction-like programs that computers can understand.

A program is just like step set to do some task, similar to user manual of some product. Program will instruct the computer to execute some tasks. You must tell the computer each step of how to do it in programs. For example, if you want to calculate the total monthly expenditure of your family, you should first tell the computer the name and amount of each expenditure, then tell the computer to add them up, and finally display the calculation result on the screen.

  • Obtain expenditure data
  • Add up the expenditure data
  • Display results

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What can programming do

Programs exist everywhere in life.

In terms of hardware, such as TV, there are programs for changing channels and adjusting volume. There are also navigation and control systems in cars. Steaming mode control program of the electric rice cooker. Rocket control systems. Satellite control and management systems, etc. In terms of software, there are apps on mobile phones and TVs, various software on computers, etc.

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Can I learn it?

Before entering the programming world, many people think that programming is very profound and may think that it requires a high degree, a very professional background or something.
Some people may ask: Can I learn it?

Of course. Everyone can learn programming and can master it finally.

Learning programming just like learning any kind of skill. You can master it if you define your goals, follow a certain method and learn it continually.

What is needed to learn programming

  • Continuous passion for programming
  • Continuous learning
  • A computer with network

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How to learn it

Actually there are many different ways to learn something. It varies from person to person. Each person has own learning methods and ways. Some people choose to buy some books to read and follow the examples to learn writing code. Some attend some trainings and listen to some training courses. Others will study in school. Someone are interested in programming and learn it by self-learning through various means such as online resources.

Based on my own learning experience, I recommend learning by doing projects.

From beginning if no goal is set, and just to learn a language or technology top-down, you can not see the effect all the time. The enthusiasm for learning programming will slowly fade. If you can see the effect from time to time through practical and useful examples, get feedback and get some sense of achievement, then you will keep stimulating the desire to learn and keep the enthusiasm of learning.

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  • Programming is telling a computer how to do a task
  • Programming is not a rare thing, programs can be found everywhere in life
  • Anyone can learn to program
  • Learn more effectively by implementing a practical and useful example

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