Pandas >> How to Iterate Over Rows and Columns in a DataFrame in Pandas

2021-11-23 Pandas

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[Pandas] How to iterate over all rows

In this article, we will show you how to iterate all rows and columns of a DataFrame in Pandas.

Firstly, we prepare a dataframe.

Preparing data

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({
    "name": ["Kevin", "Jack", "Mary", "Bob", "Robert", "Amy"],
    "score": [80, 90, 95, 93, 88, 81],
    "class": ["A", "B", "A", "A", "B", "B"]
}, index=["K", "J", "M", "B", "R", "A"])



name score class
K Kevin 80 A
J Jack 90 B
M Mary 95 A
B Bob 93 A
R Robert 88 B
A Amy 81 B

Use iterrows() of DataFrame to iterate over rows

We can use iterrows() method of DataFrame to iterate over all rows of DataFrame. iterrows() method yields index and Row Series.

for index, row in df.iterrows():
    print(f"{index}: {row['name']}")


K: Kevin
J: Jack
M: Mary
B: Bob
R: Robert
A: Amy

Use iteritems() of Series to iterate over all values of Series

We can use iteritmes() method of Series to iterate over all values of Series. iteritems() method will return iterable of tuples containing the (index, value) pairs from a Series.

for k, v in df.loc["K"].iteritems():
    print(f"{k}: {v}")


name: Kevin
score: 80
class: A

Use for … in Syntax to iterate over all columns

We can use for…in syntax to iterate over all columns of DataFrame. This will get every column name.

for col_name in df:

# OR

for col_name in df.columns:



We can iterate over all columns by specifying each column name.

for col_name in df:


K     Kevin
J      Jack
M      Mary
B       Bob
R    Robert
A       Amy
Name: name, dtype: object
K    80
J    90
M    95
B    93
R    88
A    81
Name: score, dtype: int64
K    A
J    B
M    A
B    A
R    B
A    B
Name: class, dtype: object

Iterate all cells/values in a DataFrame

We can combine the iterations together to get each value of a DataFrame.

for index, row in df.iterrows():
    for col_name in df.columns:
        print(f"{col_name}: {row[col_name]}")
name: Kevin
score: 80
class: A
name: Jack
score: 90
class: B
name: Mary
score: 95
class: A
name: Bob
score: 93
class: A
name: Robert
score: 88
class: B
name: Amy
score: 81
class: B

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