Pandas >> How to Convert a Multi-Value Column to Multiple Rows

2022-03-25 Pandas

Table of Contents

In this article, we will talk about how to split one column in which contents are concatenated with delimiter like comma to a list. And convert the list column to multiple rows with other columns duplicated.

split column

Preparing data

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({
    "name": ["Kevin", "Jack", "Mary"],
    "sex": ["M", "M", "F"],
    "hobbies": ["Writing,Chess", "Drawing,Coding", "Music,Reading"]
}, index=["K", "J", "M"])


pandas explode

Use str.split() to split a column to a list

df["hobbies"] = df["hobbies"].str.split(",")

pandas explode

Convert the column with a list-type value to multiple rows

You can use explode() method of Pandas to convert a column with list-type values to multiple rows with other columns are duplicated.

df = df.explode("hobbies")

pandas explode


We used str.split() to split one column to a list and used explode() method to convert it to multiple rows.

For more str method, you can read the article below.

Pandas » How to Process a Whole Column Like String

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